In Process Builder, Releases, WizardCast
Brian Kwong Salesforce WizardMark Ross Salesforce Yoda
WizardCast The One With Ninjas 2017 – Episode 34

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Mark and Brian try out their new introduction – let us know what you think!

YoWiz: Anon Mouse – Why is it called Winter ’17?

We talk about why it’s called Winter ’17 even though the release actually comes out in 2016. We also chat about some of the features that excite us.

See the Winter ’17 release notes here:

Brian Apologizes to Gillian Madill and/or Kris Lande

The answer is: Both of you!

Mark makes fun of Brian because, he again, got Gillian and Kris confused. They look so similar and they’re so awesome; it’s so easy to get them confused! Right?! RIGHT?

Who is Who?

Who is Who?


We need to hear from you folks! Share with us your tips, blogs, Salesforce Videos, and Salesforce jokes (no matter how bad). We want to share them with our large audience of 6 people! Email us at or click “Contact WizardCast” on the right of our show notes.

You can also tweet to @MarkRoss__c or @Kwongerific with hashtag #WizardCast with a question or other submission.

Cherry (Instrumental Version) (Josh Woodward) / CC BY 4.0

Some sound effects & music provided by


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