> Contact Me <
Have a Question? A Submission for the WizardCast Podcast? A Request for a Blog Post or Video? Contact Me Here!
This is a great way to contact me if you have a joke or interview for the WizardCast podcast. I also accept questions to be answered in Blog, Video, or Podcast form. When you contact me please specify how you want your question to be answered. Please also contact me here if you have requests or ideas for a blog post or video. This is NOT a place to contact me to post your own content on this site.
By submitting, you agree to let me share your letter on the site. If there’s information you do not want to be shared in the post, please state it specifically what you would like me to exclude.
If this is specifically for the WizardCast podcast you can also use our alternative form to Contact WizardCast
No solicitation or unrequested guest posts. Any service, product, and unsolicitied guest posts requests will be deleted.