Contact Wizardcast!

Have a great suggestion for Salesforce Video, Tip, or Joke? Perhaps you have a burning question to ask. Maybe you have someone who we should interview or perhaps a Salesforce related career or job you want to learn more about?

Share it with us! You can fill out the form below or you can e-mail us at

Make sure you give us your name, company (if you feel comfortable sharing), email, Twitter handle and what you’re sharing. Please put in the subject line why you’re emailing us. For example “Salesforce Joke” or “Salesforce Video”

When sharing a video, please provide the URL for the video and a brief description of what you like about it.

Got a headset? Feel free to email us a audio version of your submission – but only if you’re willing to have us share it on Wizardcast. Be warn, we may need to edit your audio submission to make it flow with the episode.