In Automation, Flow, Wizard's Apprentice

Brian Kwong Photo

 Wizard’s Apprentice: Lightning Flow Builder Overview

Lightning Flow Builder replaces the Cloud Designer for Salesforce Flow. While many things have remained the same, the user interface has dramatically changed – for the better!

This series of Wizard’s Apprentice will focus on a gradual review of the Lightning Flow Builder and Flow concepts to help make you be an automation wizard! I’m hoping to have these videos be 10 minutes or less.

We start with episode one which is an overview of the Lightning Flow Builder. Future episodes will review the different Flow Elements, actions, use cases, and tips and tricks of using Flow.

Lightning Flow is one of the declarative automation tools in Salesforce CRM. Flow is unique compared to the other automation tools, Apex and Process Builder. Similarly to Process Builder, Lightning Flow is clicks-based. There’s no code required. Unlike Process Builder, Flow can handle more complicated logic, provide an optional user interface to guide or collect information from a user. Similarly to Apex code, Flow can handle some complicated logic, but unlike APEX code there’s no code involved. Flow also can provide a user interface (Screen) which APEX cannot provide without using Visualforce or Lightning Component. APEX can easily handle thousands and millions of records. Flow has some limitations in data sizes and is ideal for less than 1000 records.

Lightning Flow is a great tool. It is the automation option that bridges the admin between Process Builder and APEX Code. It can do more than Process Builder alone but has limitations that can be address with APEX code. Flow is a tool every admin should be familiar, So let’s start with this Wizard’s Apprentice episode providing an Overview of the Lightning Flow Builder. Soon you too will become a Flownatic



Check out other Wizard’s Apprentice videos:

Wizard’s Apprentice Lightning Experience – Sobject Variables, Collections & Loops Revisted

Wizard’s Apprentice Lightning Experience – Custom Objects and Lookups

Wizard’s Apprentice Lightning Experience – A First Look

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