![Mark Ross Salesforce Yoda](https://thewizardnews.com/uploads/2018/01/markrosscommunity.png)
WizardCast D&DF16 for Charity – Episode 35
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Mark and Brian try out their new introduction – let us know what you think!
YoWiz: Really Not a Fake Person – What is D&DF16?
You can read more about the event here: https://thewizardnews.com/2016/09/11/charity-dreamforce-and-dungeons-dragons/
D&DF16 is a group of Salesforce Community members who will be playing Dungeons & Dragons and taking donations for Charity… an organization called Extra-Life.. not a person.
This event is organized by those great folks, John Graf and Nana Gregg, of the NerdForce Podcast. Our dungeon master is the great, the wonderful, the please-continue-being-my-co-host, Mark Ross – aka Salesforce Yoda.
The game will be Salesforce & Dreamforce themed as the players attempt to help Lord Benioff (and his magical boots) save the realm of Forcelandia from the clutches of the evil Oracular Empire. It’s going to be campy. It’s going to be full of bad puns and jokes. It’s going to be one heck of an adventure. Mark has been fairly tight-lipped about the full story. Makes me wonder if Parker Harris will show up as LightningMan.
Streaming URL: https://twitter.com/salesforceyoda
We need to hear from you folks! Share with us your tips, blogs, Salesforce Videos, and Salesforce jokes (no matter how bad). We want to share them with our large audience of 6 people! Email us at WizardCast@thewizardnews.com or click “Contact WizardCast” on the right of our show notes.
You can also tweet to @MarkRoss__c or @Kwongerific with hashtag #WizardCast with a question or other submission.
Cherry (Instrumental Version) (Josh Woodward) / CC BY 4.0
Some sound effects & music provided by http://www.freesfx.co.uk