WizardCast – Episode VI: Return of the Bad Pun Click logo to subscribe RSS Feed http://wizardcast.libsyn.com/rss Our joke this episode solidifies the lack of any chance of Microsoft ever [...]
I started taking piano lessons when I was a toddler. I took lessons all the way through highschool. For 15 years nearly everyday I had to sit down at the piano for thirty minutes and practice. [...]
Dreamforce 2014 is a few weeks behind us and many of the sessions have now been posted as videos. Unlike past years, the videos are not being posted to YouTube. Instead the videos can be found on [...]
Welcome everyone back from Dreamforce! I’ll be doing two recap posts. I’ll have one with more details and thoughts of what I saw last week – and hopefully links to session [...]
Happy Dreamforce everyone! This post ends Wizard New’s Dreamforce special on the Process builder. Three whole posts in one week! I hope you’ve been finding the information on the new [...]
Yesterday, I introduced the Process Builder. Today, I’m going to do a deeper dive and show you more of the different actions we can take with the process builder. The process builder has [...]
Happy Dreamforce everyone! By now, everyone has seen and heard about the great Process Builder. Maybe you even came to my session on Monday where I talked about it with the Workflow Product [...]
Dreamforce is a huge place. Over 140,000 people are expected at this year’s event. Finding a lone person in all that can be understandably difficult. One of the things on my list is to meet [...]
I’m very excited for this year’s Dreamforce and not because I’m going to be presenting for the third year in the row. This year’s Dreamforce shows signs of being the year [...]