In Blog, Salesforce Community

Welcome everyone back from Dreamforce! I’ll be doing two recap posts. I’ll have one with more details and thoughts of what I saw last week – and hopefully links to session videos!

This week I want to share some of my favorite moments at Dreamforce and more importantly say “Thank you” to all of you. Many of you went out of your way to introduce yourself and say “hello.” I really appreciated it. I enjoy meeting you and very flattered when you want to take photographs with a weird guy in a wizard’s hat. I especially like it when you tweet your photograph so I can favorite it. Makes for a great workaround for my short term memory.

Fun Videos

I’m going to have two youtube playlists this year. One will be all the fun and videos from Dreamforce. The second playlist will be of sessions once they’ve been released. You can get access to the first playlist here:

The Success Community Keynote was amazing. To see how we have grown as a community and how is responding to us is wonderful. They started the keynote with one of my favorite singers Ryan Headley

Coke Delivery vai Drone – During the keynote on Tuesday, Parker Harris had a drone delivery him Coke. I was greatly amused.

Know The Flow Code was one of my favorite speaking sessions this year. This was a session on Flow best practices with Mark Ross. We brought a little of a craziness and humor into the session. Sadly, my camcorder battery died after 8 minutes despite having been plugged in the night before. These 8 minutes are still amusing:

The People

The people at Dreamforce make the experience the most awarding. Ryan Headley summed it up very well in his blog post It’s the Community, Stupid The community is what makes us strong. It’s what helps learn, grow, and have fun.

Dreamforce without the people would be… well boring.

So I’ll like to do a bunch of shout outs to people who said hi, thanked me for my blog, and took pictures. The following tweets are about you. I apologize if I missed anyone – if I did post the tweet URL as a comment to the blog!

Thank you!

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