In WizardCast
Brian Kwong Salesforce WizardMark RossSalesforce Yoda

WizardCast – Episode VI: Return of the Bad Pun

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Our joke this episode solidifies the lack of any chance of Microsoft ever sponsoring WizardCast.

Salesforce YoWiz: URL Hacks Pros/Cons?

Our question today comes from Mike Gerholdt ( t) via Twitter “URL Hacks Pro/Cons?

After recovering from the shock of having THE ButtonClick Admin ask US a question, we talk about some of the pros and cons of using URL Hacks.

We also asked the question, does calling a Flow with a URL count as a URL Hack?

Curious about some of the WizardNews blog posts involving URL Hacks? You can check them out on

Also Shannon Hale, we’re sorry for all the times in the past we made you cry.

Got a question for WizardCast?  You can email us at or click “Contact WizardCast” on the right of our show notes page. If neither those options seem easy enough, you can always tweet @MarkRoss__c and @Kwongerific with hashtag #WizardCast

“Wiz Questions” or “The Segment Which Shall Not Be Named”

New segment where we ask a single question to a series of people and hope for interesting answers.

We decided to start at the beginning and find out what was people’s first experience with Salesforce.

We took the advantage of having my handheld recorder

If you got an idea for the name of this segment, leave a comment or email us at

Salesforce Video of the *Undetermined Amount of Time Until the Next One*

Are you a solo admin? About to be a solo admin? Wonder how the heck those solo admins can do it? Take a look at the Dreamforce ’14 session “How to be a Successful Solo Salesforce Admin”

We much prefer to get listener submissions and the content creator’s permission ahead time (so we can play snippets on the episode). So if you have a Salesforce video worth sharing let us know! It can be a funny video; it can be a serious video; as long as it’s Salesforce related we’ll take it!. Send submissions to or click on the “Contact WizardCast” on the right sidebar from our show notes page.

Listener Mail Bag

We thought we’ll share and thank some of the great folks that have given us feedback on the podcast.

Thank you Dale Ziegler, Pete Fife, and Alesia Dvorkina… and we apologize for any name mis-pronouncements .


We need to hear from you folks! Share with us your tips, blogs, Salesforce Videos, and Salesforce jokes (no matter how bad). We want to share them with our large audience of 4 people! Email us at or click “Contact WizardCast” on the right of our show notes.

Cherry (Instrumental Version) (Josh Woodward) / CC BY 4.0

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