Wizard’s Apprentice: Lightning Experience – A First Look
Welcome back Wizard Apprentices! We’re getting a first look at the new Salesforce user interface: Lightning Experience. This is on a Winter ’16 Pre-Release org, and as I found out there are some things just not available quite yet and some rough edges that will hopefully get smoothed out for the actual release. Pre-Releases often don’t reflect everything that will be in the final release.
I highly recommend that you take advantage of your sandbox preview and test your configurations with the new user interface before you release it upon your end users.
The follow video is a little rough. No script was used and this was truly my first time with my own hands on a Lightning Experience interface. I’ll walk you through how you can enable the new User Interface and how a user can toggle back and forth between the current Aloha interface and Lightning Experience.
Questions, comments and requests are welcome! Please post them either to the video or here in the blog. Be sure to like the video if you want me to do more Lightning Experience videos.