Automation Hour – Flow Loops, sObject Variables, Collections & More
I had the great honor of being asked to present in Automation Hour held on 12/22/17. The goal was to present an advanced topic of automation. I chose Flow, because… well heck it’s me and Flow is kind of my game. I also decided to talk about Loops, sObject Variables, Collections and a special surprise. I get a lot of questions regarding Flow and Loops and SObject Variables & Collections are one of the most common.
This topic has been one of the most popular “Wizard Apprentice” videos I have on Youtube. Check out these posts for more:
- Wizard Apprentice Episode 5, Loops Assignments, and Fast Elements
- Wizard Apprentice Sobject Variable Collections and Loops Revisited
My presentation focused on an App I’m currently calling “Family Tracker” or “KidForce.” It’s the sequel to BabyForce one of the projects in my “You may be addicted to Salesforce” series.
KidForce is a way to help me track allowances and consequences for my children. It can also be used as a Chore board.
Of course, I’m lazy… or as the positive folks call it “efficient.” So I use automation in my App to help me with these functions.
You can watch the recording from Friday’s Automation Hour below. Also be sure to join their Trailblaizer group to learn about upcoming Automation Hour presentations and to ask questions.
At the end of this presentation, I did a special voice command automation. I talked about how it was done, but didn’t really show anything. Are you interested in a deeper dive of how I did this voice command automation? Let me know in the comments! I’ll write a follow up post with details on this subject if there’s enough interest in the topic!
I am interested.
And have you steal my secrets? You’re already a powerhouse Rakesh. Imagine what you could do to the world with voice commands? 🙂