WizardCast – Episode VII: The Force.com Awakens
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Our joke is hand written by Brian Kwong who begs you to submit your own Salesforce related jokes, because his are getting really awful.
DF ’15: Health and Weight Loss Challenge
Looking to improve your health and maybe lose some weight? Want to do it before Dreamforce? Join the DF ’15 Health and Weight Loss Challenge! You can find the group here: https://success.salesforce.com/_ui/core/chatter/groups/GroupProfilePage?g=0F9300000001oZY
Brian is participating this year and has his own weight loss goal of 20 lbs. Which happens to be the same goal for Andy Boettcher, Bill Greenhaw and Mike Martin. So we’ve decided to have a friendly motivational incentive. The person who loses the most weight – ideally meeting their goals – will win a breakfast paid by the other not-quite winners. In addition, we’ll be interviewing the participants for WizardCast.
Career Chatter: Eric Wu – Co-founder Bracket Labs
The Co-Founder of Bracket Labs, Eric Wu, was nice enough to stop by out spacious recording studio to talk to us about what it’s like to an ISV and a start up company. Bracket Labs is the company that produces the great app TaskRay.
Eric has many great insights on have a successful company, including listen to your customers and you should be doing something different every 3 months.
Eric talks about needing to be comfortable with constant change and the importance of marketing. He also talks about the importance of getting to the pain that the customer is trying to solve even when it may result in removing one click from a process. What they are asking for may be right for their needs, but it may not be right at all. It’s okay say “no” in order to sometimes to get them on the right path.
Got a question for WizardCast? You can email us at WizardCast@thewizardnews.com or click “Contact WizardCast” on the right of our show notes page. If neither those options seem easy enough, you can always tweet @MarkRoss__c and @Kwongerific with hashtag #WizardCast
“Wiz Questions” or “The Segment Which Shall Not Be Named”
This Segment, which shall not be named, is where we ask a single question to a series of people and hope for interesting answers.
We decided to start at the beginning and find out what was people’s first experience with Salesforce. We will have another answer each episode. Thank you Becky Webster for sharing how you got started using Salesforce.
If you got an idea for the name of this segment, leave a comment or email us at WizardCast@theWizardNews.com
Salesforce Video of the *Undetermined Amount of Time Until the Next One*
Dreamforce 2014 Formula Ninjas is a great session for those looking to learn how to write formulas in Salesforce or just want to improve their skills. Join MVPs Deepa Patel, Francis Pindar, James Garfield, and Steve Molis talk all about formulas and solving some really tricky problems.
If you have a Salesforce video worth sharing let us know! It can be a funny video; it can be a serious video; as long as it’s Salesforce related we’ll take it!. Send submissions to WizardCast@thewizardnews.com or click on the “Contact WizardCast” on the right sidebar from our show notes page.
Midwest Dreamin
Midwest Dreamin is a combined User Group event in Chicago, Il. This year will have special guest Peter Coffee and Dan Darcy. Your friendly hosts for the WizardCast will also be presenting. In addition to over 30 presenters and expo, it is a great place to network. So head over to http://midwestdreamin.com/ and register!
We hope to see you there.
We need to hear from you folks! Share with us your tips, blogs, Salesforce Videos, and Salesforce jokes (no matter how bad). We want to share them with our large audience of 4 people! Email us at WizardCast@thewizardnews.com or click “Contact WizardCast” on the right of our show notes.
Cherry (Instrumental Version) (Josh Woodward) / CC BY 4.0
Laugh & Applause track provided by our recording at the MVP Summit