WizardCast Let It Flow Episode 47
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Thanks to our great intern Mike Kelly. You will be missed. Who wants to be our next intern?
Brian is also ashamed he got Professor Higgins (My Fair Lady) confused with Professor Hill (The Music Man). He blames how tired he was.
Let It Flow
Mark and Brian hosted a Salesforce webinar called Introduction to Flow
Check out our Flow Hands-On-Training (HOT) from DF15 plus many other HOTs for free: https://www.salesforce.com/campaigns/success-services/sfu-hands-on-training-sessions.jsp
Brian’s Wizard Apprentice Flow series
Check out the start of the Flownatics. First 8 minutes of the “Flow Code” until Brian’s camera battery died: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NNBBTLD5U8
*This area will get filled out with more details later.* *maybe*
The Flownatic Pledge
I (My Name), pledge to uphold the values and best practices of the Flownatics. I solemnly swear upon pain of APEX, to share and spread the good word of the Flownatics to all who will listen and especially to those who don’t.
I shall forever hold Flow as my primary starting element deep in my heart, mind, soul and web browser. I shall never underestimate the power of the Flow. I shall forever remain Flowficient.
May the Flow be with us, always.
We need to hear from you folks! Share with us your tips, blogs, Salesforce Videos, and Salesforce jokes (no matter how bad). We want to share them with our large audience of 6 people! Email us at WizardCast@thewizardnews.com or click “Contact WizardCast” on the right of our show notes.
You can also tweet to @MarkRoss__c or @Kwongerific with hashtag #WizardCast with a question or other submission.
Cherry (Instrumental Version) (Josh Woodward) / CC BY 4.0
Some sound effects & music provided by http://www.freesfx.co.uk