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Midwest Dreamin’ 2015 Recap

Last week (okay July 10, this is way overdue) was aMidwest Dreamin’ in Chicago. It’s a Super-User Group meeting with members from multiple states including Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, and Ohio. People came across the country to join in the dreaming.

There were 30 sessions, including the Opening keynote from Dan Darcy and closing keynote with Peter Coffee. I had the pleasure of doing an introduction to Visual Workflow (Flow) session.

This year was packed with over 700 attendees! This is more than double the amount from 2014. MidWest Dreamin’ is quickly growing into a big event and is something you should consider attending in 2016.

The ButtonClickAdmin Podcast was recording live episodes, which I was fortunate enough to crash. You can hear the episode here:

The WizardCast also recorded some impromtpu episodes. Unfortunately, due to the crazy scheduling between Mark and I, we were only able to record the interviews with Nick Lindberg, and Phoebe Venkat. Plus, I lost some of our audio from a mysterious technical glitch and we had to re-do parts of the episodes remotely.

Finally, the reason why this post is so late. I took my new GoPro to the event and recorded the opening Keynote by Dan Darcy and the closing Keynote by Peter Coffee. Of course, I had not read the directions prior to using the camera. So I got a crash course on how to pull, stitch, and then edit the videos together. Combine that with some crazy personal life stuff and I got far behind.

It’s finally here. The audio isn’t the greatest, and many of the slides are a bit washed out. Never fear, the slides to all the presentations this year can be found at the MidWest Dreamin’ Success group

Here’s the videos of the keynote. I’ll embed them in the blog as well as provide a link to them directly on Youtube.

Dan Darcy

Peter Coffee

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  • Kristi G

    Did the video for your session not turn out or get cut off? I found it very valuable!

    • Brian Kwong

      Haven’t had a chance to really look yet. Pretty sure it got cut

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