In Salesforce Community, Security, Tips & Tricks, WizardCast
Brian Kwong Salesforce WizardMark RossSalesforce Yoda

WizardCast – Episode IV: May The Fourth Be With You (Salesforce Platform Day)

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We start, as always, with a Salesforce joke… well I should say “joke.” This episode “joke” is provided by Mark Ross.

Mark and Brian talk about our special episode. This is our fourth full episode landing on a very special holiday – May the Fourth – also known as Salesforce Platform Day (Star Wars day according to Mark).

Salesforce Tip: Custom Permissions in Validation Rules

Our tip this episode is all about using Custom Permissions to set your exception in your validation rules. Instead of hard coding that UserID XYZ or ProfileID can skip the validation, you can use a Custom Permission. You don’t need to change your validation rule when your exceptions change, simply update who has the custom permission.

You can read more details about using custom permission from this wonderful blog post

You may notice that is a post from TheWizardNews. This is what happens when we have run out of submissions. If you have a tip or a blog post you’ve found particular useful, share it with us so we can share it with the world! You can email us at or click “Contact WizardCast” on the right of our show notes page.

Salesforce Video of the *Undetermined Amount of Time Until the Next One*

Our Salesforce Video of the Undetermined Amount of Time Until the Next one comes from the archives. It’s by Michael Farrington, otherwise known as Michael Force.

This comes from our personal archives of awesomness. This wasn’t a listener submission and we didn’t talk to Michael ahead of time – so Michael, thank you for providing awesome content publicly on the internet so we can snatch it for an episode.

We much prefer to get listener submissions and the content creator’s permission ahead time (so we can play snippets on the episode). So if you have a Salesforce video worth sharing let us know! It can be a funny video; it can be a serious video; as long as it’s Salesforce related we’ll take it!. Send submissions to or click on the “Contact WizardCast” on the right sidebar from our show notes page.


We need to hear from you folks! Share with us your tips, blogs, Salesforce Videos, and Salesforce jokes (no matter how bad). We want to share them with our large audience of 4 people! Email us at or click “Contact WizardCast” on the right of our show notes.

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