Hello Lightning Experience, Goodbye URL Hacks
Hello Lightning Experience, Goodbye URL Hacks On August 25, Salesforce held a special event to reveal the new User Interface (UI) for Salesforce. This is the first major UI change for Salesforce. [...]
WizardCast – Episode VI: Return of the Bad Pun
WizardCast – Episode VI: Return of the Bad Pun Click logo to subscribe RSS Feed http://wizardcast.libsyn.com/rss Our joke this episode solidifies the lack of any chance of Microsoft ever [...]
URL Hack: Create Contact Role with Opportunity
A Salesforce URL Hack is when we use the browser’s URL to pass information or have Salesforce do something beyond it’s normal functionality. Commonly the URL is placed in a custom [...]
URL Hack Revisted: Auto Select Email Template With Custom Button
In my previous post, Great URL Hack, Meet The Chatter Publisher Action, I talked how we can replace URL Hacks in Salesforce with the Chatter Publisher Action. I also mentioned the URL hack still [...]
Great URL Hack, Meet The Chatter Publisher Action
The URL hack has been a special “secret” for admins for years. It’s great for creating a custom button or link to help our users fill out data. I’ve used the URL hack for [...]