In APEX, Visualforce, Lightning Components, Automation, Blog, Flow, Salesforce Lightning

URL Hack Functionality In Lightning?!

First, sorry for the click bait like blog title. Second, sorry to Shannon Hale who I’m sure still cries everytime someone uses a URL Hack.

Now a history lesson. For you young and hip kids who have never known anything besides Lightning Experience, you likely have no idea what I mean by a URL Hack. But back in my day (hitches up pants past his belly button) in Salesforce Classic you add information in the URL and change or augment the behavior of Salesforce. Common examples of URL Hacks were Creating a Contact Role at the Same time as Creating an Opportunity, Automatically selecting the To and email template when sending an email, and the classic – opening a new record page while pre-filling values.

An example of the last one would look like this:  This is the standard classic URL for creating a new account. Looking at the HTML source of the code, I can find the name of a field, say Number of Employees and add it to the URL as a parameter. Adding &acc15=35 would pre-fill the number 35 in the Employee Number field. So thus our URL became

Place this URL on a custom button and perhaps use some merge fields and you have a dynamic way to pre-fill data. This is a URL hack because we are taking the URL of Salesforce and “hacking” it to change the behavior.

Cool right? Well the problem young wippersnapper was URL hacks were never officially supported. Plus the use hard-coded HTML values. Did you just go from NA14 to NA44? Guess what? All your URL Hacks are likely broken. Did you just create a new object and URL Hacks on sandbox? Guess what? You have to update those hacks because the Name/IDs have changed. When Salesforce rolled out Lightning Experience, it prevented almost all URL hacks from working. The only support URL hack is dynamically setting a filter value on a report via the URL – and that only works on the browser and not the mobile environment.

Salesforce attempted to replace URL Hacks with quick actions. And in some circumstances, these are a great alternative. There’s something to be said to having the user go to the normal edit or create page and seeing the full page layout. With actions you have to specify the page layout and it doesn’t support sections. It’s impossible to make the pages look identical. It’s also a lot of upkeep since you have to update the page layout plus the action layout everytime you add or remove a field. Speed and response time is also an issue on actions with lots of fields. Got a big page layout and want to duplicate as an action? Be prepared for some slowness.

Actions could really only replicate the create URL Hacks. All the other URL Hacks couldn’t be addressed. It also was a poor substitute for needing a full-page layout when creating or editing. Finally, there’s one scenario where these quicks actions simply cannot handle, that URL Hacks DID handle, and where my little solution replicates with a bit more effort.

The Setup

I was using a custom object for my real-world scenario, but for universal comparison, let’s use Cases. In our world, we use tasks to remind users to create follow up Cases. How do I handle this without a URL Hack or other helpful shortcuts?

  1. As a user, I click on the “related to” of the Task to go to the Account.
  2. next I have to use the New Case or New Case Action to create the Case.
  3. I enter the Contact – which was on the Task for the Case and fill out other fields which – some which values are on the Contact or the Account
  4. Then I click save

Ick, what a crappy user experience. It’s only 4 steps, but come on. FOUR Steps! I’m too busy doing whatever I’m supposed to be doing in my job to deal with FOUR steps! We could use an action on the Account to create the case and populate some of the fields from the Account, but it wouldn’t be able to do that with the Contact. Plus, we wouldn’t get to the same layout if we use an Action. Other options include creating the case via automation and then having the user edit it – bleh. We could use Flow to query the information from the account and contact and then display a screen to capture the rest of the information or just create the case and have the user edit it afterwards. Again, Bleh I tell you!

Here’s my solution:

  1. Click a button on the Task
  2. Go to the new Case field with Account & Contact values filled in. I only have to add other items
  3. Save

Boom! I saved ONE whole step! I know you’re laughing at me. That’s only one step! Well depending on how many fields you have to fill in based on values on the Account and Contact, I just saved a lot of data entry. Plus, the user is taken to the full new case page layout. If I add or remove fields, I don’t need to update anything else.

It looks and feels very much like a URL Hack in Classic. So how do I replicate this URL Hack Functionality In Lightning?

Building a URL Hack Functionality In Lightning

To accomplish the wonderful feat, we need 3 things:

  1. An Action that calls a Flow
  2. The Flow for said Action
  3. A Custom Lightning Component

Wait, wait wait! Don’t leave! I know I said Lightning Component and everyone starts thinking “Oh that’s code, that doesn’t count.” Here’s the thing, this Lightning Component requires NO Apex code. You can easily copy and paste the examples I’ll provide and alter them and it’ll work! You just need to have My Domain enabled to use it. Plus, you can use this same Lightning Component to create other “Hack” buttons using the same object (more on that later).

Let’s take these piecces one at a time.

The Action

Using an Action to call a Flow is one of my favorite Winter ’18 Feature . This is how we’re going to call our Flow and thus our Lightning Component from the Task. Creating these actions are very simple.

  1. Go to Object Manager in Setup and select Task
  2. Select Buttons, Links, and Actions
  3. Click “New Action” button
  4. Select “Flow” as the Action Type
  5. Select your Flow
  6. Provide a name
  7. Save and add to the page layout

That’s it! So darn simple.

Salesforce Quick Action with Flow

The Flow

Here’s the second key component with this solution. Technically speaking, the Flow really only needs to call the Lightning Component. Let’s not do that because we want to make this really cool, right?

So in this example, the Flow will be fairly simple. Here’s the list of the elements in the order they “Flow.”

  1. Lookup Task: Fast Lookup to get the task. My lookup criteria is Id equal recordId. recordId is a flow variable and is where the Task ID gets stored when the user clicks on the Action
  2. Decision WhatId Object: This is a Decision Element that checks that the WhatId of the task (also known as related to) is indeed an Account. This is important since if the Task is related to an Opportunity and someone clicks to create the action, I need different elements to query for the data I need for my case. I would have a path for each object you WANT the users to create the case from.
  3. Lookup Account: Fast Lookup to get the Account and the fields I want from the Account
  4. Lookup Contact; Fast Lookup to get the Contact and the fields I want from the Contact
  5. Create Case: Lightning Component where we pass the values from Account, Contact, and anything else as attributes.

That’s it. It’s not a difficult Flow. You should have fault elements for the Fast Lookups and have an error handling screen for your Decision. I didn’t do that to keep the screenshot small. I would strongly recommend using your default outcome for the Decision element to handle scenarios when a user clicks the action and the WhatId isn’t any of the preferred objects. This way you can provide a screen to your user that states there was an error and when you want them to use the Flow.

Flow for URL Hack in Lightning

Simple Flow for URL Hack in Lightning

The Lightning Component

The Lightning Component involves NO Apex code. Which means anyone should be able to do this.

I used the Developer Console to create this Lightning Component.

Open up the developer console, click the file menu and hover over New and then select Lightning Component.

There are 3 parts this this Lightning Component. The Component, Design, and Controller. You can select these items from the menu on the right side of developer console.

Lightning Component in Developer Console

Lightning Component in Developer Console

The Component

There’s a couple of important bits in the component. The first is what is “implements.” This controls where this component can be referenced. There’s a whole list in the documentation. In this situation, we’re using just the implement to make it available as a Flow Action.

The second important bit are the attributes.  The official description is “describes an attribute available on the app, interface, component, or event.” Not all that helpful to non-developers. Think of these attributes as names for data you’re going to use in the component. In this example, I’m using just string for text values. There are a bunch of other types including Date, Decimal, and Boolean.

For my example, I chose attributes for the fields I’m going to pre-fill on the Case. I chose to use “Input*FieldName*” to keep it simple, but you can name it whatever you want. Just remember that the name will be the same in the design and will be what will show up in the Flow.

<aura:component implements="lightning:availableForFlowActions">
  <aura:attribute name="InputContactID" type="String" />
  <aura:attribute name="InputAccountID" type="String" />
  <aura:attribute name="InputType" type="String" />
  <aura:attribute name="InputOrigin" type="String" />
  <aura:attribute name="InputReason" type="String" />
  <aura:attribute name="InputSubject" type="String" /> 

The Design

Design Attributes are similar to the attributes in the component. They need to be spelled the same and with the same capitalization as the Component attributes. In the design, the attributes listed are what will be exposed to tools like the App Builder or in our example Flow. Since I’m using my Attributes to set the data I want to pre-fill on the form, I’m again using the field names.

  <design:attribute name="InputContactID" />
  <design:attribute name="InputAccountID" />
  <design:attribute name="InputType" />
  <design:attribute name="InputOrigin" />
  <design:attribute name="InputReason" />
  <design:attribute name="InputSubject" />

The Controller

Finally, the Controller. This is the bit that some people may go cross-eyes and get confused. The Controller controls what the component does.  I’m going to break this down into sections.

  1. Get the values passed into the component
  2. Define what action the component will do
  3. Set the parameters for the action
  4. Fire

The first part is where you see all the “var name = component.get(“v.InputContactId”)”; This is a variable in the controller. It can be named whatever you want. The key part is component.get. This tells the controller with Attribute you want to get from the component. The format is v.AttributeName. You’ll notice in my example I choose to name my controller variable to be the Attribute name without  “Input.”

The second part defines the actions. This is the variable I call “createRecordEvent.” In this scenario I want to take the user to the create record page so I’m setting it as “$A.get(“e.force:createRecord”)” The developer documentation has what other actions you can perform.

The third part is setting the parameters for the action. So if our action is creating a record, we need to tell the component the type of record we’re creating, the record type id, if applicable, and the values for the fields. entityApiName is the object for the record. This could be “Account”, “Contact”, or for custom objects “MyCustomObjectName__c”. Next are the fields and their values. You can see in the sample the API name of the field in single quotes, followed by a colon, and ending with the variable holding the value. You don’t have to use the variable here. If the field value will always be the same you can skip the attribute for the field and simply do ‘fieldname__c’ : “Value”.

Finally, we “fire” the action” This is an important line. Everything that we’ve done so far is simply setting things up. Without firing, the create action will not occur.

That’s it for the Lightning Component!

 invoke : function(component, event, helper){
   var ContactID = component.get("v.InputContactID"); 
   var AccountID = component.get("v.InputAccountID"); 
   var Type = component.get("v.InputType"); 
   var Origin = component.get("v.InputOrigin"); 
   var Reason = component.get("v.InputReason"); 
   var Subject = component.get("v.InputSubject"); 

   var createRecordEvent = $A.get("e.force:createRecord");

     "entityApiName": "Case", 
     "defaultFieldValues": {
      'ContactId' : ContactID,
       'AccountId': AccountID,
       'Type': Type,
       'Origin': Origin,

Wrap up and Conclusion

There we go! Three simple items to re-create URL Hack functionality in Lightning.

Is it as simple as a URL Hack?

I think that’s up for debate. It’s more than a URL, so in that respect it’s not as simple. However, with this method there’s no trolling through HTML to find field names on the form and there’s no concern about IDs/Names changing from Instant changes or moving from Sandbox to Production. In the sense it’s is simpler.

Is there a way to do this better? Can I make it more re-usable?

Probably. But I can’t think of a way to do it now. My first attempt at this component was to make it 100% re-usable. The challenge is that Lightning Components that implement availableforFlowActions only accept certain types of attributes. If I could pass in a map or even reliably parse a string of a map or json, we could make a completely re-usable component. The part that is NOT re-useable are setting the Object (entityApiName) and the Field Values (defaultFieldVales). We could pass an attribute to pass in the object, but not to pass in the fields/values.

The only way I can think of making it a bit more reusable is putting a set cap on the number of fields. I could then have attributes like “Field1Name”, “Field1Value”, “Field2Name”,”Field2Value” and so on. But that just looks so messy. Instead I opted to create one for each object.

I still would like to make it more flexible, so please go vote on this idea: Allow non-string attribute types like Map and Object for Flow Local Actions


I hope you find this helpful and useful. Let me know how will you use this “URL Hack” in Lightning in the comments. I also love to see what other URL Hack functionality you would like to be able to do in Lightning, so please add those in the comments.

Finally, if you’re a Flownatic myself, check out our T-Shirts at our new store. Purchases help support paying for the services to host the blog and podcast. We’re an affiliate so purchasing other people’s designs after clicking our link helps us too.

Thanks for Reading.


P.S. Want to have fun with me being silly with a greenscreen behind me? You can grab a gif of Shock Wizard Here:

URL Hack Functionality In Lightning

Addendum: Doug Ayers took this idea and went completely Lightning Component. No Flow included (what’s the fun in that?) Check out his Lightning Component URL Hack which includes a git hub for you to grab the code yourself!

I’ve tried this out and it does work. The only issue I’ve experienced are when users go “Back” using the browser button or through a “back” button in the component. When you are using this lightning component for multiple buttons on the same layout, the system doesn’t seem to “refresh” between button clicks when the user uses button 1, cancels or goes back and clicks button 2. Beyond that, it works really well.

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Showing 66 comments
  • Natalie Gunther

    Hi there wizard! Can you create an example for the email template and filling in the to field? I have a custom object and I would like one button that would determine if it’s a lead buyer, select the lead buyer’s email (user look up field) and template X, or if it’s a support buyer, select the contact buyer’s email (contact look up field) and template Y.

    • Brian Kwong

      You’re looking for a Lightning version right? Using a lightning template?

      • Natalie Gunther

        Yes, I am in lightning. I think it could be a lightning template or a classic template – today they are classic templates, but I could probably convert them to lightning templates.

  • Eyal

    Sorry but I missed something , why do we need lightning component to create a record and could not create it using the flow, what benefit it gives?

    • Brian Kwong

      You could create it from the flow. The benefit is this provides the user a few options, 1. They can fill in the rest of the record including required fields that you may not be able to fill in via the flow (because you don’t know what the value should be) and 2. The user can cancel it. If you create in the flow the best you can do is then take the user to the record to then edit it. Plus you give the user access to the standard create page. There’s no partial page or having to recreate the page layout in actions or a flow screen

  • Firas

    Brian, this trick you posted is incredible and has been a huge help in recreating url hacks where the newly created record is on the detail side of a Master-Detail relationship. I was wondering if you could help with building a component for finishing a flow. Currently we have a Close Opportunity flow with screens the user walks through and on the last step there is a finish screen with a url that takes them back to the opportunity. Using the Flow Lightning Component I have embedded this flow on a lighting page, however I want to have the last step be a local action/component that automatically refreshes or redirects the user to the opportunity record. I’ve tried the solution on this page: and am getting an unknown controller action “invoke” flow error. I recently ran into this help article but have not tried it yet,

  • Firas

    Amaaaaaaazing, I think I will try the load webpage or redirect to url component in the local action section This is pure gold, thank you!!

  • Oscar

    Brian- This is AWESOME! Where are there good resources to review how to set up error messages in the flow? The walk-through video was awesome! Thank you!

    • Brian Kwong

      Thank you for the feedback Oscar.

      As to your question, it really depends on the type of Flow and the type of error message. When your Flow has screens, the best way is to put the Fault message on the screen itself (if applicable, for example when a Fault occurs on a Fast Lookup). The main benefit is you can customize the message and provide instructions to your user about what happened and what to do. So, for example, if you expect to find records and don’t, you can display a message that tells the user that no records were found and to either 1. create some or 2. put in different information.

      If your flow does not have screens and is called automatically, you’re a bit out of luck for providing nice messages to the end user. What you can do is send emails and create chatter posts. You can either hard-code the to Address for your emails, or lookup the running user and get their email. You can also post onto the record that spawned the problem – assuming the error isn’t that you don’t know the ID of the involved record. Another option is you can post to a Chatter Group but that may be a less than useful method depending upon your use case. With Chatter posts, I always recommend that you @ mention the involved user when possible.

      • Oscar

        Thanks Brian!

        Update: I built a flow that creates a new case from an account using this process. What a life and timesaver! I know I could create a quick action but cases needed more detail filled than what was being pulled from the account. This is going to be a huge win to an overburdened team. THANK YOU!

  • Haseeb

    Hello Brian, I am getting an error in flows “Error Occurred: c.invoke is not a function” what could be the reason?

    • Brian Kwong

      I had this same issue. Common error is you don’t have my domain setup in your org. If my domain is there, check for case sensitive issues. In every case I had this problem is was due to my domain

  • Haseeb

    Thank you for your reply, it is resolved now it was due to My domain was not enabled in my org. but I am seeing a Flow finished screen when I am clicking Cancel button from Record Create page


    • Brian Kwong

      yep. That’s just the nature of Flow being called in actions. I haven’t found a way around that.

  • Haseeb

    Hello Brain,
    Is there any way that we can save the created record Id and use it further in flow?


    • Brian Kwong

      That’s a great question! I know you can specify outputs to a local action, but I’ve never actually tried it.

      • Haseeb

        Do we need update the component as well?

        • Brian Kwong

          In all likelihood, I think the component will need to get updated. Likely an attribute for the record ID will need to be added and something in the controller to set the value. I don’t know since I haven’t tried it yet! Unfortunately, I’m not going to have a chance to try it for some time.

  • Hemanth

    I am implementing the same on opportunity object, but receiving record id as null when I hard code it I am seeing result. Any help?


    • Brian Kwong

      My guess is your variable may be misnamed, incorrectly capitalized, or not “available for input”

  • Hemanth

    Can you please elaborate how to create recordId variable?

    • Brian Kwong

      You create the variable just like any other variable in flow. One method is by going to the “manager” tab and clicking “New Resource” (this is in the new lightning flow builder). In the drop down select “variable” the API Name is then “recordId” data type is text. Make sure you check that it’s available for input.

      That’s it. This will automatically get filled in when the flow called from an action. The id will be the record it was called from. So if you click it on the Opportunity, you’ll get the OpportunityID.

      This is a case sensitive. So make sure it’s all lowercase except for the “I” in Id. It must also be set for input or the action wont’ be able to pass the value into the flow.

  • mitsviki

    quick question: Ho w can i use this to auto create a case on service console chat transcript?

    • Brian Kwong

      I’m not sure you can. The key words here are “auto create” URL Hacks typically involve a user clicking on something – and that user has permissions to do whatever the URL is trying to do.

      If you’re looking at the chat transcript record, you might be able to create an action or button. I’m not sure if chat transcripts give you any modification options.

      What’s your use case? What are you trying to accomplish?



    I may have already lefta comment, but wanted to check how this would fit in if i have a snap incode dropped in an external website. A agentuses omni channel to accept chat, in that case the ask is to have a case automatically created or have the agent create a case on the spur. How cani acheive this in service console lightning? please advise.

    • Brian Kwong

      This method assumes an action is being used to launch the Flow. Assuming that 1. You’re able to put an action where you want to have your case created and 2. the person clicking the action has permission to create cases (and any other related data) then it should work just fine.

      I don’t use service console lightning or omni channel, so I’m not able to give you any specifics or even experiment on options. Good luck!

  • Mike

    The lightning component doesn’t seem to be populating dependent picklist values on the new record screen. Have you gotten this to work with populating depending picklist values?

    In addition, I got this to work for one URL hack button but am having issues with another one and keep getting this error when running either the flow in debug mode or from the action on the record: Action failed: c:NewRev$controller$invoke [Cannot read property ‘setParams’ of undefined]

    • Brian Kwong

      I got this to work by passing in the value for the controller picklist field. WIthout it there are no valid values for a dependent picklist.

      Regarding your issue, that looks like a lightning component javascript issue. It could be something as simple as capitalization or a missing semi colon. Check on that first. Normally, I would add make sure you have my domain enabled and lightning runtime, but you got this to work once so those items should be enabled already.

      • Katharine Anderson

        When I was creating the flow, I kept getting this error (Action failed: c:NewRev$controller$invoke [Cannot read property ‘setParams’ of undefined]) when I was using the debug option in the flow, but then it worked when I created the button and was testing on an actual record. It seems that even though I had the ‘lightning runtime’ option enabled in the flow debugger, it wasn’t recognizing it as lightning runtime, as the createRecord action doesn’t exist in apex, just aura. So it was saying that the createRecord action was undefined.

        If anyone else comes across this error, try creating the action and adding it to a page layout, and testing it that way, instead of just using the debugger in the flow builder.

        Not sure if this was your issue, but that was why it was happening for me.

        P.S. Thanks for this idea Brian, this is a great workaround for those few old url hack buttons I couldn’t create as regular custom create record actions!

  • Gary Thorn

    Brian, I can not get this to work. Can you show me the flow? I copied your Lightning components but cant get the action to even see the lightning component. any idea?

    • Brian Kwong

      Does the lightning component not show up in the flow action list? Make sure you have in the first line of the component where that component can be used. If the action isn’t in the list its an issue with the component not the flow

  • Gary Thorn

    The lightning component is not in the action list. I can not create an action on opportunities for this component. how do I get the lightning component to show up so I can create an Action?

    • Brian Kwong

      Does your first line of the component look like this:

      “lightning:availableForFlowActions” needs to be within the implements attribute option in order to have that lightning component available in Flow as action. The component also need to be successfully saved (I’ve forgotten to save a few times and wondered where my component was). The UI has changed with the Lightning Report Builder, it won’t show up in the side bar. You have to drag “action” to the canvas and then search for your Component.

  • Gary Thorn

    Brian, Here is what my component looks like:

    I added force:hasRecordId and force:LightningquickAction. At least now it will let me create an action for this lightning component. but the flow still does not display….alll it says is there are no active flows. I have 6 active flows…and it doesnt find any of them….what am I doing wrong?

  • Gary Thorn

    aura:component implements=”lightning:availableForFlowActions,force:hasRecordId,force:lightningQuickAction” access=”global”>
    aura:attribute name=”InputOppID” type=”String” />
    aura:attribute name=”InputOppName” type=”String” />
    aura:attribute name=”InputOppCloseDate” type=”Date” />
    aura:attribute name=”InputOppProposalWriter” type=”String” />
    aura:attribute name=”InputOppClientProtoNumber” type=”String” />
    aura:attribute name=”InputOppOwner” type=”String” />
    aura:attribute name=”InputOppOwnerID” type=”String” />


    Posted with the < in the first column….

  • Gary Thorn

    can we arrange to talk on the phone. Send me your number and time in my email. thanks. Gary

    • Brian Kwong

      Hey Gary. I’m sorry but I don’t have time to help you out via phone. My day time hours are dedicated for work and post-work is family time. What free time I do have is spent on chores and the podcast. Of course, you’re welcome to contact Better Partners and hire some of my time, but I’m guessing that’s not an option for you. Alternatively, you could try catching me at a Salesforce event or User group. My next event is likely going to be Dreamforce though and unless you’re in Wisconsin the user group likely isn’t a good fit.

      Alternatively, you could email (wizardcast@ thewizardnews .com) me what you have created and I can try to look at it that way. But I can’t give you an estimate of when I’ll get to it.

      Make sure you have all the requirements met for using Flow actions. Thing like MyDomain etc. It wasn’t an issue with the old flow builder – it would still show your action even if you couldn’t use it because of missing a requirement like MyDomain. Lightning Flow Builder may handle that differently.

  • Gary Thorn

    I had a Salesforce developer review my flow and lightning component. We discovered that the Flow is not seen by the action unless it is a “Screen Flow”. I had it as an autolaunch flow. that is key to making this work…, I am up and going. Thanks for writing this article. You are Brilliant!

    • Brian Kwong

      Ah ha! Didn’t even think to check your flow type. Having to be a screen flow makes perfect since since the lightning component technically displays a screen!

      Glad you figured it out. I always feel bad that I can’t take time to help everyone when they need it like I used to.

  • Katharine Anderson

    Thanks for this, looks like a great option. I have two questions:

    1) Is it possible to call this flow from a url button rather than an action? I’d like to be able to add the button to my related list and you can’t do that with actions currently. I also want to be able to conditionally send the user to this flow when they’re in Lightning but to the old url hack url when they’re in classic (since we’ll have users using both for a while).
    2) I’d prefer not to hardcode the variables in so many places. Has anyone thought of a way to make the lightning component (or even the flow) more reusable? We have something like 50 different url hack buttons and it would take a lot to set this up for every one of them.

    • Brian Kwong

      In theory it may work with a url as long as it’s within a lightning context. Make sure lightning runtime is enabled.

      Flow is tough to generalize because you have to specifically call out objects. Douglas ayers did take this one step further and created true url hack. You can find a link at the bottom of my post. The challenge is its all code and it has its own problems with refreshes. For example if you click the button to call the lightning component, cancel, and click the button again nothing happens.

      I would use this only where you truly need the full page layout. Create actions are great if you don’t need the full layout

      • Katharine Anderson

        Thanks Brian – I did try Douglas Ayers’ solution, but I was having trouble with load times (since I was trying to conditionally load the old url hack if the user was in classic by going to a visualforce page first). I also had trouble because of the critical update that required namespace use in url parameters, because I was going to the visualforce page first and then redirecting. Simply because I need to support both Classic and Lightning for a while.

        Anyway, I have tried setting up the action/flow/lightning component you outlined above, but I keep getting an error message:
        Uncaught Error in $A.getCallback() [[object Object]]
        Callback failed: serviceComponent://ui.interaction.runtime.components.controllers.FlowRuntimeController/ACTION$runInterview
        throws at https://[instance] Caused by: Error in $A.getCallback() [[object Object]]
        Callback failed: serviceComponent://ui.interaction.runtime.components.controllers.FlowRuntimeController/ACTION$runInterview

        Any ideas where I’m going wrong?

  • Tej

    Hi Brian,

    I am using this approach to create a new lead from a task which is associated to a contact and prefill fields from contact. After i click the button all i see is new lead as a header and then blank screen, None of the fields are being displayed. Not sure what is missing. Can you please let me know what is missing.

    • Brian Kwong

      Tough to say. Are you using record types on Leads?

      The Lightning Component is going to display the standard new record layout. If you’re using record types you have to specify the Record Type ID – at least in my experience.

  • Tej

    Yes i am using recordtypeId. Here is my code
    invoke : function(component, event, helper) {

    var FirstName = component.get(“v.InputFirstName”);
    var LastName = component.get(“v.InputLastName”);

    var createRecordEvent = $A.get(“e.force:createRecord”);

    “entityApiName”: “Lead”,
    “recordTypeId” : “012F0000000rzBdIAI”,
    “defaultFieldValues”: {
    ‘FirstName’ : FirstName,
    ‘LastName’ : LastName,

    Let me know if i am missing something.

    • Brian Kwong


      Sorry for the delay in response. October is a busy month.

      I don’t see anything there that’s screams out to me. Something you can try. Set the default record type for leads on your profile to whatever the record type is for that ID. Then remove the recordTypeID line in your component. What should happen is the create record should use that default. If it works without error then we can restrict it down to the recordTypeId line. I’ve found Lightning and Lightning Web Components very very nit picky when it comes to letter being case sensitive. So it could be as something as simple as that.

      Another thing you can try is to open the browser debug. ON my computer it’s Ctrl-Shift-I for Chrome. You can also get to it by going to menu – more tools -> Developer tools. Sometimes errors will show up in the console there that can help narrow down the issue.

  • Jamil

    Hi Brian,

    Thanks so much for laying this out. I put this together for a custom object in my org in an sandbox and it worked perfectly. However, when I ported it over to another sandbox via a change set, I get a strange error message:

    “Looks like there’s a problem.

    Unfortunately, there was a problem. Please try again. If the problem continues, get in touch with your administrator with the error ID shown here and any other related details.
    Error ID: 1855664432-124573 (-1194455343)”

    Any idea what might be causing this? Nothing happens in the debug log when this occurs.

    • Brian Kwong

      That’s really difficult to say base just on that error. That is what we call a gack. A Salesforce server error.
      Other than asking Salesforce support, you can only review the various pieces and required bits. Like is lightning enabled? Is my domain on? So forth

      • Jamil

        Hi Brian,

        That makes sense – thanks anyway for taking a look. As it happens, I was able to find the issue.

        After testing the Flow with the debug log in the new sandbox, I noticed that one of the input fields was returning Null rather than an Id value as expected.

        This field was not populated in the second sandbox because the automation that populates it was just introduced in the same change set as the lightning component. Once I ran the automation that populated the field, the redirect worked as expected.

        I’ve encountered similar errors with force:createRecord in the past. My recommendation to anyone encountering errors with this aura component is to first check that none of the field values assigned via .setParams() are null.

  • Kriti

    I am getting error Error Occurred: Action failed: c:CreateLeadNew$controller$invoke [Cannot read property ‘setParams’ of undefined]

    • Brian Kwong

      That’s a new one for me. Check case sensitivity, quotes, and semi colons. I’m assuming my domain is already enabled and that you ran the flow in lightning and not via a url or debugger

      • Kriti

        I am creating detail page button and calling flow as follows : /flow/new_test_one?recordId={!Account.Id}

        • Brian Kwong

          If you are using lightning I would use an action for the flow. The id is passed as recordId. Urls don’t work great

  • Kriti

    Please help me in this am getting error Error Occurred: Action failed: c:CreateLeadNew$controller$invoke [Cannot read property ‘setParams’ of undefined]
    invoke : function(component, event, helper){
    var Company = component.get(“v.InputCompany”);
    var Status = component.get(“v.InputStatus”);
    var LastName = component.get(“v.InputLastName”);

    var createRecordEvent = $A.get(“e.force:createRecord”);

    “entityApiName”: “Lead”,
    “defaultFieldValues”: {
    ‘Company’ : Company,
    ‘Status’ : Status,

  • Salesforce Wizard

    I’m stumped Kriti. it Looks right. The only thing I can think of is around the quotation marks. I’ve had issues where I copy/pasted code and the quotes don’t actually come out correctly. The look right, but the computer doesn’t process them the same.

    As I look at the error again, I wonder if the issue is around the var createRecordEvent. The error sounds like it can’t set params on something that’s not defined. It looks right on the screen, but maybe manually retype the setParam line and the createRecordEvent line and see if it works

    var createRecordEvent = $A.get(“e.force:createRecord”);
    “entityApiName”: “OBject”,
    “defaultFieldValues”: {
    ‘FieldName’ : FieldValue,
    ‘FieldName’ : FieldValue

  • Dhana

    Can you Please help me with the issue I am facing, I tried the as you suggested and when clicking on the Quick Action I am getting error like

    Looks like there’s a problem.

    Unfortunately, there was a problem. Please try again. If the problem continues, get in touch with your administrator with the error ID shown here and any other related details.
    Error ID: 1109704170-21361 (-1922518417)

    I posted the entire thing I tried in the stackexchange, . I am new to Salesforce and not sure if I am missing something

  • Dhana


    Can you please help me with the issue I tried following the steps to create a custom object from the Opportunity record. But when I click on the button I am getting error like

    An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow
    An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information.

    I added the entire detail in the stackexchange question, can you please help me if I am missing something

  • Dhana

    After troubleshooting I getting the error in the flow where the Component is called

    InputContactID = {!varContactID} (0035500000T8bE4AAJ)
    InputAccountID = {!varAccountID} (0015500000Uz4OEAAZ)
    Error Occurred: Action failed: c:createAXProjectRecords$controller$invoke [varContactID is not defined]

    varContactID has value but it says it is not defnied. Below is the Component controller

    invoke : function(component, event, helper){
    var ContactID = component.get(“v.InputContactID”);
    var AccountID = component.get(“v.InputAccountID”);

    var createRecordEvent = $A.get(“e.force:createRecord”);

    “entityApiName”: “AX_Project__c”,
    “defaultFieldValues”: {
    ‘Contact__c’ : ContactID,
    ‘Account__c’: AccountID


    Please help me with this

    • Brian Kwong

      I hate javascript. These things are frustrating to debug. You are setting a value for ContactID but the question is does component.get”v.InputContactID” return anything? If that is undefined then the variable ContactID is also undefined. Check to make sure that everything has some the case. I’ve been burnt before by simply missing that it’s “Id” and not “ID”

      Another way to test this is to replace component.get with just a hard-coded Contact ID. It’s not ideal, but if var ContactID = “0030M00002HrliXQAR” (or whatever ID you want to use in your Org) works then we know it’s something with the component.get. If it doesn’t work, then I would try copy/paste the ContactID var down to Contact__c: … because sometimes weird things happen that you cannot see. I”ve also had 1 circumstance where I had to create a whole new component and re-type the stuff because something funky was going on. Visibile, the two components looked the same. One worked and the other didn’t.

      • Dhana

        Retyping the entire code did the trick.. Thanks

  • Dhana

    We are trying to create an Opportunity from the flow which has record types.So we added a screen for record type selection before the get records in the flow. And passed the record type selected and other required info in to the Lightning action. But the Create new Oppurtunity page title always shows default record type and not the record type selected( although on the record type field on the opportunity shows the same value as the record type selecte on the screen) the issue is the header of mismatches.. Did you encounter this issue, can you recommend any work around on this

    • Dhana

      Found the fix. Thanks

      • Menash Yamin

        Can you share your code?

  • Dhana

    Is there any way to get the recordID of the newly created records back to the flow? We are not able to auto/prepopulate some of fields (like Country/State as they are picklist through the Lightning component). If we can get the record ID, we were thinking if we can update them in the same flow that called the lightning component

    • Brian Kwong

      Dhana – Maybe? You would have to make sure you have an output option in your lightning component which is not something I cover here in the blog post and may not be something you can do APEX free.

      That said, I’ve never been able to use a local lightning component as an action and have the flow continue after that element

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