WizardCast Trailblazer Story with Trailblazer Garry Polmateer Episode 56
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WizardCast Trailblazer Story with Trailblazer Garry Polmateer
Our guest is the CEO of Red Argyle. From the inaugural class of Salesforce MVPs and now in the Hall of Fame. 20 years working in IT with the past 9 wholly dedicated to Salesforce product, consulting and now helping manage Red Argyle. For fun, you can find him wielding a fireaxe and being a lego-maniac. He is also the sith counter part to Salesforce Yoda. He’s Darth Garry aka Garry Polmateer. Welcome to the WizardCast Garry!
Garry talks to us about his Trailblazing story with Salesforce. Instead of starting as an Admin and moving towards consulting or product management, Garry took the path backwards. Listen to his unique story of Product Management, Dreamforce Legos, and Firewood.
Salesforce Video of the *Undetermined Amount of Time Until the Next One*
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Cherry (Instrumental Version) (Josh Woodward) / CC BY 4.0
Some sound effects & music provided by http://www.freesfx.co.uk
Overlay music from http://www.dievantile.com/2010/06/03/forgotten-dream/Forgotten Dream, Written by Di Evantile